Monitoring energy consumption in Grid’5000 experiments

This tutorial will show how to monitor energy on Grid’5000. Electrical power consumption of nodes can be retrieved from their Power Distribution Units (PDU), the device which supply them in electrical power.

On Lyon site, special devices (called “wattmeter”) allow fine grained measurements (one measure each second, with sub-watt resolution). While less precise, many clusters from other sites also has monitoring capabilities.

Grid’5000 also uses the Kwapi tool to provide a convenient and consistent way to monitor energy consumption in experiments.

In the tutorial, you will learn how to retrieve energy consumed by Grid’5000 nodes by querying their PDUs or by using Kwapi. This will be compared to hardware monitoring counters available inside recent machines. The power consumption will be studied under various workload scenario and combinations of CPU energy saving parameters (P-State, C-State, etc.).